Fitness With Compassion is about celebrating strengths and dismissing insecurities and ways of thinking that hold us back.
Hi, I’m Will McDonald, Fitness Coach.
Incorporating a strength training program will help to maintain and improve muscle development which in turn will preserve bone mass and prevent the progression of osteoporosis or osteopenia. Adding weights to any fitness program becomes incredibly important for women, especially over the age of 40 who are in the perimenopause and postmenopause phases of their life.
Maintaining a healthy weight through specialized cardio training will be important before, during, and after pregnancy. The physiological effects of pregnancy; including changes in heart rate, oxygen consumption, posture, and stabilization; are important to consider when creating any fitness program.
Today, the expectations that are placed on women can be demanding and feel unfair. Women are subjected to inappropriate comments and suggestions and face far more criticism of their appearance and job performance than men do. Additionally, women are expected to take care of others before themselves. It is important to take time to value yourself when life can be so demanding. Investing in a personal trainer will help carve out a few hours a week to help maintain your physical and mental health.
Tasks such as getting up from a chair or off the toilet, opening a jar, staying balanced during unpredictable surface changes, or the need to quickly change direction; all become more challenging as our body accommodates our age.
Incorporating a strength training program will help maintain and improve muscle development, which will preserve bone mass and prevent the progression of osteoporosis or osteopenia. Adding weights to any fitness program becomes incredibly important for women, especially over the age of 40, who are in the perimenopause and postmenopause phases of their life.
We will work on balance training, strength and stabilization, memory and cognition using complex obstacle courses and eye-hand coordination drills during our time together. I create programs that are both fun and challenging.
During our time together we will work on balance training, strength and stabilization, memory and cognition using complex obstacle courses and eye-hand coordination drills. I create programs that are both fun and challenging.
By reviewing movement patterns I can identify any under-active or overactive muscles groups, develop a plan of action, and implement an integrative corrective strategy.
The plan of action we create together will be supportive both physically and emotionally. Our goals will be realistic and progressively merge into your life. Weight loss is a journey into self and you don’t have to do it alone.
Exercise training is essentially conditioning the nervous system to respond to a set of actions that impact the body. When we apply weight lifting to our exercise routine, motor neurons become more active and adapt over time to improve coordination and balance, increase muscle gains, and help the brain respond more quickly and efficiently to everyday functional movements.
In addition to these benefits, strength training can provide enormous improvements to overall health and well-being, including:
Strength training is for everybody and every body, regardless of age, abilities, or condition. Together, we will create a safe, progressive, and fun plan of action. I like to approach strength training according to your comfort level.
As a personal trainer, I am grateful that I can offer a service that is so valuable during these difficult times. We are all living with more stress in our lives that have impacted our physical and emotional health. Continued isolation can erode so much of our happiness and connection to the people we need.
Working with individual clients in a private, fully equipped fitness studio allows for the use of PPE, ability to physically distance, and the confidence in the sanitation process before and after each session.
Regardless of one’s physical abilities, an exercise training program can provide remarkable physical and emotional benefits. Exercise reduces stress, improves self-confidence, increases cognition and memory, promotes better sleep, and of course will help you live longer and better.
A training program can challenge you in ways that will provide the tools you need to find peace and compassion in your life, which are so important right now. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and a person in recovery, I can appreciate that each person has their unique struggles, and each person will approach fitness differently. My fitness accomplishments have taught me to create exercise programs that meet clients where they are physically and emotionally.
Let’s get started!
Request a free consultation!